Personal Loans

Have a project on your to-do list or need to pay for tuition? We’ve got your back with great rates on our personal loans! No matter what you need the funds for, our bankers are ready to help you find the right personal loan term and amount for you.

Personal Loan Features:

  • Loan amounts from $500 – $15,000
  • Fees based on the term of the loan
  • Available for residents of Pleasants, Tyler, Washington, Wetzel and Wood counties
  • Must have a credit score of 700 or above

Ready to Apply?

We’re here to help make the application process as easy as possible. Head to your closest First Mutual Bank branch to start your application!

Other Borrowing Opportunities

Ready for a new or used car? We have auto loans!

With great rates and flexible terms, we can help you finance the new or used vehicle of your choice.

Calculate your home equity line of credit payment.

Whatever large expense you’re looking to tackle, our HELOC calculator helps you see what’s possible.

Get the Basics (and More!) on Borrowing

Let’s make sure you know what you need to know.

Refinancing Your Mortgage

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