Business Knowledge Hub

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The Value of Your Business

While there are potentially many ways to value a business, one popular method is using the discounted, or present value, of your estimated cash flow. This method takes your current…

The Basics of Budgeting

Developing and managing budgets can be a tiresome task for both individuals and companies. Without them, however, you do not know how your business is doing. Nor are you able…

Pay-per-Click Advertising ROI

There are many marketing opportunities available to internet-based businesses. One of those is ‘pay-per-click’ advertising, whereby you only pay when somebody clicks on a link to your site, rather than…

Ransomware: Protect Your Business Against The Growing Threat

Ransomware is a particularly destructive type of malware that encrypts a computer’s files, effectively holding them hostage until the user pays a ransom (often hundreds or thousands of dollars) to…

Buying an Existing Business

The joy of owning a business is the dream of many would-be entrepreneurs. If you are one of them, you have two main choices: start a company from scratch or…

Branding Your Business

An effective branding strategy makes your business stand out in a competitive marketplace. Online, it helps you cut through all the competing hoopla to get attention from your audience. Without…

Time Management

Time is money, so managing this valuable resource is good for your bottom line. Time is a finite resource, so you need to guard it well from people and events…